This was crazy...You may not be able to see but Mike had smoke coming out of his nose like a bull and out of the sides of his mouth...ridiculous...
Death Rho all day #121, 118, and 119 (120 was playin Halo at the time of the picture)
This is me!!
I'd like to clarify something, before anything pops off because of this: yes, my background is the Playboy bunny. I am not a playmate, nor do I aspire to be. I just happen to like the bunny.
I hope you don't use this introduction to gain any insight into my introduction can ever describe me fully. Talking to me will. If you like what you read, don't be afraid to comment. One of my biggest pet peeves is not being listened to, especially when I feel I have something important to comments are greatly appreciated. You can also find me on Facebook. I have a Myspace but I never check it. My AIM screenname is secretchick154, so you can hit me up there too. Until next time...deuces